YouthWrite Summer Camps
May 7, 2024 at 1:34:17 a.m.
Our instructors this summer are beyond incredible and they are so excited to share their talents and knowledge with creative young writers and artists from across the province!The camp dates and links are below, and our posters are attached to this email. We hope you can help us by putting up our posters, sharing our camp information online or in your newsletters, and in any other way you can! Please let your community know that registration for all camps closes on June 23.YouthWrite Summer Camps: What is Your Story?
Here at YouthWrite, we're already looking ahead to the summer. ☀️ Our Summer Young Writers' Camps are coming up, and we're hoping you'll help us by getting the word out!
June 30-July 05: Highlands Experience in Edmonton, AB. Ages 8-12. Day camp with Thursday overnight option.
June 30-July 05: Elbow River I Experience in Calgary, AB. Ages 10-14. Day or overnight camp options.
July 07-12: Elbow River II Experience in Calgary, AB. Ages 15-19. Day or overnight camp options.
NEW CAMP! July 14-19: Write to Film in Calgary, AB. Ages 15-19. Day camp (Ages 18+ may arrange with the facility to stay overnight at an extra cost, but there will be no supervision from YouthWrite staff.)