Update from the City of Calgary
We are sharing information on some upcoming water main repair work that is not related to the Ramsay-Inglewood Public Realm Improvements project. Because the repair work is adjacent to this project, we wanted to take steps to ensure the communities of Ramsay and Inglewood are informed. This information will also be shared with your communities via construction notice.
Before this watermain repair work begins, there is some hydrovacing work related to the Ramsay-Inglewood Public Realm Improvements project. The hydrovacing means there will be some single-lane closures of the northbound curb lane/parking lane, between 18 Avenue and 20 Avenue SE. The lane would be closed during off-peak hours only.
Background: Watermain Repair Work
The City of Calgary takes a proactive approach to protecting and replacing aging assets. The water main replacement program reduces emergency water main breaks and service interruptions by replacing corroded mains with new PVC pipe and adding protection to reduce the rate of future corrosion. Since 1980, this program has contributed to a 73 per cent decrease in the number of emergency water main repairs.
Water Main Repair
We will be in your area to repair the water main on 11 St SE between 20 Avenue SE and the CPKC railway tracks. Work is anticipated to begin on November 25, and is expected to be completed by December 13. This may vary depending on the condition of soil, existing utilities and weather. We will proactively communicate any construction updates to those impacted by this work.
This repair work will be completed prior to the Ramsay-Inglewood Public Realm Improvements, scheduled to begin in Spring 2025. The public realm improvements include improving connections to transit and nearby public spaces. The project supports multi-modal transportation and invests in better public spaces.
Construction Impacts
Temporary street parking restrictions and/or closures.
Vibrations, noise and dust due to compaction.
Additional traffic and congestion due to construction activities and vehicles.
Tree pruning may be required for the safety of workers and to protect trees from accidental damage.
Regular hours will be 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday to Saturday.
If sidewalks, curbs and gutters need to be removed they will be repaired to original or enhanced condition.
Work will be completed in phases to cover open trenches as quickly as possible.
Traffic Detours and Parking Impacts
Starting the week of November 25, traffic detours and road closures will temporarily be in place.
Project Information or Questions
For more information about this project please call 311 and reference Watermain Replacement Major projects.
Construction activities are dependent on several factors. Timelines may change due to inclement weather, complexity, supply chain, and/or other unexpected circumstances.
The Ramsay-Inglewood Public Realm Improvements Project
Public Realm Improvements to 11 Street SE and 12 Street SE have been identified as the first Stage of construction in Ramsay and Inglewood for the City’s Transit Oriented Development (TOD) program. We’re investing in these two central communities now, so they can thrive as they continue to grow. This work will improve future connections to transit and nearby public spaces. This work supports multi-model transportation and invests in better public spaces, in advance of several nearby proposed developments. Our goal is to invest in the future of Ramsay and Inglewood as vibrant, sustainable, and interesting communities.
While construction is set to begin in Spring 2025 on the Ramsay-Inglewood Public Realm Improvements, some early-works will be happening this Fall.
More detailed project information will be shared when construction moves to the next phase. We thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to complete these important infrastructure and community improvement projects.
Project Information or Questions
If you have questions about the project, you can email the project team at RamsayInglewoodPublicRealm@Calgary.ca or call 311.