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Public Engagement for the MNP Access Strategy

Provided by The City of Calgary (Capital Priorities & Investment)

The MNP Community & Sport Centre, situated in Calgary's Lindsay Park, serves as a vital hub for high-performance athletes and community users. The MNP Centre is expanding and will become the main Aquatic Recreation Facility for downtown and we want to ensure that the facility is accessible and welcoming for all. The City is committed to providing safe travel choices, especially to regional recreation facilities. Learning from Calgarians will help us understand any travel barriers that make it hard to walk, bike or choose transit to reach MNP.

This round of engagement will help our project team understand challenges and potential solutions to better welcome visitors to MNP Community & Sport Centre (MNP). The plan will also fulfill The City’s commitment to the community to thoroughly review the area transportation network and collaborate on improvements. The final strategy will be used a roadmap for future investment that connects with the feedback we receive.

Engagement opportunity to provide feedback

MNP Access Strategy will be hosting online engagement from Nov. 1 – Nov. 21, 2023, and we will be hosting pop up sessions at MNP:

  • Sunday - Nov 5, 2:00 - 4:30 pm

  • Thursday – Nov 9, 4:30 – 7:00 pm


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