Hey Ramsay! Each year the City of Calgary Waste and Recycling Services and Community Strategies partner up with Community Associations to help residents get rid of unwanted household items and property waste. The event saves residents a trip to the landfill for items that do not fit in their waste and recycling carts and for residents that do not have cart service by providing three packer trucks with crews (for regular waste only). This service is free to all Calgarians.
Join us on June 18
It’s time for the annual cleaning! On Sunday, June 18th we will have three City of Calgary garbage trucks available (for regular waste) to be filled while we clean up the community. There will be no trucks for organics. There will be a BBQ lunch and refreshments available for volunteers.
The trucks will arrive at 9:00 am and will leave at 2:00 pm sharp. Our agreement with the city obliges us to turn people away at 2:00 pm. So, make sure to come early.
Disposal services
Disposal for regular waste
Electronics & metal recycling (no single use batteries accepted)
Free/Swap Table
Charitable donations to the WINS (Women in Need Society)
Pick-up service- Contact organizer (contact info below) and please provide: address; cell number; load contents (photo is helpful); and time for pick-up on day of event.
The following items MAY NOT be brought to the cleanup site:
Car Batteries
Household chemicals
Home appliances
Propane tanks
Railroad Ties
Date & Time: Sunday June 18, 2022; 9:00 am - 2:00 pm.
Location: Calgary Bridge Centre located at 1140 – 8 Street S.E.
Event is Sponsored by the City of Calgary Waste and Recycling Services and The Ramsay Community Association.
Volunteer at the Community Cleanup
We are looking for volunteers. Please contact David for further information (neoublee@telusplanet.net).
Free store volunteer: Assist with swap and sell for donations
Lunch assistants: Assists Wade with the lunch sandwiches, plating and cash.
Traffic Volunteers: Helps coordinate flow of traffic- where to drop-off
Pick up Volunteers: Assist with loading and unloading pick up materials
Compactor/recycling volunteers: Assist with loading and unloading pick up materials
Community Memberships/Volunteering: Provide Information for new volunteers
Contact David (neoublee@telusplanet.net) for more information.